How it works

If you are looking for help to renovate your home or business, simply search through the categories entered and enter your location in the search field.


Uppesive will show you all the professionals in the area around you, specializing in the sought after skills. You can contact the professional you prefer directly and get a personalized quote.

There are no costs, it’s all free. Our philosophy is to create a small database that is simple to use without acting as intermediaries between you looking for a way to renovate your home and the professional who can give you a hand.

If you are a professional or simply have skills in “Home Renewal” you can enter your profile and your listings without costs.


Simply register, fill in your profile fields and enter your expertise.
The customer can find you in your area and can contact you directly. Read about Terms and Conditions and discover the perfect pricing plan for you.

No other costs are required.
Uppesive is a BETA version platform. If you notice errors or want to send suggestions to improve the experience of use, you can send us an email to: